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The easy road has never been my favorite. When I told my friends and family that I wanted to leave my full time job to focus on my portfolio and schooling they were less than thrilled. It was unsafe. I've always had a decent time finding employment, but finding a spot that was full time was a challenge. Now that I had one and finally was able to start a family like I had wanted, I was choosing to throw it all away. 

Every day that I went into the office I thought about how I could be working for myself and improving my skills rather than working for someone else. My bank account was happy but my spirits were crushed. My health started going downhill and eventually I knew that I had to leave my job or I would completely lose my mind. 


Maybe I'm delusional. I have friends that have tried to find jobs in their fields with their degrees and they come up empty handed. I just keep thinking that if I work harder things will work out for me. I love seeing the surprise in people's eyes when they see my work. Yes, I'm good at what I do. I'm talented but I practice and know that talent means nothing if you don't work every day to get your name and work out there. I could easily fail but I could also prove everyone that doubted me wrong. 


Since I have left my job I have started this website, brought my grades and my portfolio up from a depressed state, and am working on starting my own YouTube channel. I've learned people shouldn't doubt my ability, they should be hopeful in my determination.

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